I have you

11:09 AM Posted by Aroah

Dear friend,

I do not know you. Would I ever know you? I do not know. But then what is knowing anyway? Is is knowing what your favorite color is or what your biggest fear is? Or is it something else? Is it knowing you as who you are, as seeing you without looking at you. Then, I might know you.

I sit by my window, looking at the sky wondering where you are. I haven't met you, I do not know your name, know your race. I know nothing, but I know you. I know that we are the same, we share the same emotions. I know you're out there somewhere feeling as I feel, laughing as I laugh and crying as I cry.

I always felt I was alone, that my misery was mine alone, that my problems were the biggest of them all and most unique. But then I was wrong, I'm sure you share the same problems as me, the same pain and the same anxiety. After all, 
pain is born of one thing alone, denial.
So here I am, trying to reach out to you, trying to tell you that I understand how you feel just like how you will understand as well. Let's try to see each other as we are and know more about our pain, let us find answers to troubling questions by knowing each other, by believing, by keeping faith.

It's a hard life, but then I'm not alone. I have you.


Your friend


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